Tuesday 6 February 2018

Showreel Drafts

Started editing my showreel last night and I found it quite hard to pick what to showcase. Since I am focusing on my cinematography work, I couldn't include projects like IMPACT from the BFI Academy as I directed that. I made a quick first draft last night. I am removing the last Freak video as it doesn't quite fit, and adding more Pink videos when I have them (and maybe some of my Minor behind the scenes). I wanted a few opinions if the song was too angsty (I really liked it and it's royalty free. I do have a back up if people hate it though). I'm also thinking of making another showreel with all the films I have been a part of if I have time. 

Added the Pink videos (and one from my Minor) and just generally rearranged some videos. I think it flows a lot better. Had a few responses saying the vibe is dramatic, but I like to think your showreel has to be dramatic to gain interest.

After feedback from other people and the lecturer, I have changed the song, however I am not 100% sold on it. I'm not sure if it sounds too 'royalty free'. I'm really struggling to find some decent music which I can use publicly. I'll ask for more feedback on the above version.

UPDATE: Okay so I have once again changed the music and I'm finally happy with this song for my showreel. I have put it on public.

Asked my lecturer for opinions and the music is a lot better. However I have been advised to have the corporate videos at the start (including the music videos) and then the narrative films where the song builds. I can totally understand this, I might put the lighter shots at the start, but keep the music video at the end mostly because it's more fast paced and dark. I will have an experiment with it through the week.

Fifth and hopefully final draft of my showreel! I have made my videos a bit more succinct and tried to relate them to each other (mostly by lighting). I put most client stuff at the start as well as videos with bright lighting, then narrative and darker lighting stuff halfway. I also put a few behind the scenes videos on the end. One criticism I received that it doesn't end on a full stop, so I extended the track and added another clip that is more definite. I also added a title card of my name and job role so it's clear.

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