Friday 16 February 2018

Wix Website - Features and Benefits/Portfolio

For my Portfolio part of the website, I have included my best project and the best video (the Wynyard project has three so I chose the best one). I have also made sure to include benefits as well as features, such as what I have learnt from each project, and the issues and how we overcame them. The IMPACT video does stand out from the rest though as it's the only Vimeo video, so I might upload it to YouTube to match the others. I may also upload the others to a new YouTube account that is more professional (and not full of my gig videos)

I have also added a small section at the bottom of my education and Degree. I didn't really want to put this in the Home page as I didn't want to seem like a brand new graduate, or in the About Me section as features and benefits are more important here.

Oh yeah I changed the colour scheme to a nice aqua blue. I might go back to purple, I'll have a think.
 Ignore past me, I have not decided to go with aqua blue, it's more grey now as it looks more professional and links with my business cards and documents more.

UPDATE 26.02.18 - Asked for opinions from my lecturer on this page and I have a lot of work to do! Basically I am too specific about having "two music videos" and I also need to emphasise working with clients more, and make the headings more universal. I agree with this, but I have done some independent research regarding the phrasing of this, which I talk about here.

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