Thursday 8 February 2018

My Name is John - Editing

The editor showed me the first draft today of My Name is John and I'm quite happy how it's turning out. The editor also needed to straighten one of the beginning shots, and John's eyes go out of frame for a few seconds which is annoying, but we don't have any alternative (it looks awful originally), we could try and get some cutaways, or just leave it as is. There are a few fine tweaks and re-organising that needs to be done which I will talk about more in this blog post. 

  • Need kitchen cutaways to make cuts smoother
  • Possible cutaways of self help group
  • ADR of dog interview, "ouch", and clapping
  • Include dog interview in edit
  • Put Debbie calendar where Julie talks about "working hard at a marriage"
  • Possible name tags at the bottom of frame (suggested by the editor)- see how this looks
  • Credits and titles
  • Music (which I am working on)
For the music, I have spent a good few days looking for royalty free songs. Only one I could find was suitable ( Alternatively, I have written a song but I don't know anyone who could sing and play ukulele (ideally) for it.

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