Friday 16 February 2018

Wix Website - About Me

I spent the most time on this page looking for a good picture. I ended up swapping my main picture on the top menu (which I may end up deleting) for my original About Me picture. And using another picture of me taking photos on top of a cliff for the new one. I was going to use a picture I had professionally taken a few years back from Rundown but I felt it was a bit too model like and just didn't really like it. I'm also unsure about this one of me on a cliff.

UPDATE: Yeah I ended up changing the picture. This one is me working a Jib on the set of Cirque. The only thing putting me of about this one is that is's the back of my head, however I use pictures on the home page of my actual face.

The about me text is a draft at the minute and could be written a bit more eloquently.

UPDATE 26.02.18 - Asked my lecturer for opinions and I should change the picture. I got my headshots back however I am having trouble photoshopping my hair against the green screen. I also like the picture of my using the jib as it shows that I just don't point and shoot with a camera. I also need to change some of the language so it is more universal and to talk more about clients. Another update, I have changed the aqua blue colour to a grey. Doesn't sound very exciting, but it links with my business cards and other websites, creating a synergy. Also looks more professional.

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