Sunday 19 November 2017


With Minor out of the way, I am focusing on getting the wedding photos edited. A lot of them were quite noisy so I looked into how to get rid of it and it was life changing. Since I took pictures in RAW format it was a lot easier too. The CR2 menu comes up automatically on photoshop so it was quite easy exploring through the options and the "noise reduction" tool.



There's also a few lights that are over exposed, some sadly too far gone where it just darkens the white. Some I could save such as this one below. The phone was very overexposed, so I used the Adjustment Brush and made a new correction and brought the exposure down.

Less overexposed

I also experimented with the spot healing tool for a spot someone had, but most importantly on this picture. It's not very flattering at first so I was hoping this button would smooth out the bones. After time it did! And I am very happy with the results.



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