Friday 8 December 2017

Final Major Project - Pitch

Today we pitched for our final production module. I pitched an idea as well as job roles for if my project does not get picked. My idea was a mockumenraty 10 minute film about a person named John and his journey to giving up his addiction. It's revealed that he is a magician. I know a local magician and also comedian that I maybe able to get on board (see below for video and where the idea stemmed from).

I was very surprised my project got chosen, and also the amount of job roles I have somehow acquired. It's a challenge, but I can see why they are like this. I am producing, directing and assistant screenwriter for My Name is John, and cinematographer and co-producer for Out of the Light. Cinematography is my strongest point and will require weird camera shots which I look forward to researching and learning. Directing will be a challenge as I have no preconceptions of the role, but the project maybe more imaginative because of this. We are also a step closer to bigger crews with the addition to visual effects and second camera operator roles which should be interesting to explore.

I am very happy with my crew and I have a co producer and director. The co producer will look for locations and talk to people, and I will be doing paperwork. The co director is there as I have little experience with directing and don't feel very confident. They will also be looking at techniques and warm ups with the actors as it links to their Minor Project (as well as give opinions on shot lists, etc). I have worked well with the DoP and sound/editor before for Digital Production.

After the idea was chosen, some concerns arose such as ethics and trying not to make it derisive. I will be working with the screenwriter to try and avoid this, but it is still early days. Hoping for the script to be wrote over Christmas, secure people and locations to the project, look at camera work and possible test shots we may want to try out when we get back and also a feel for the film for post-production. 

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