Wednesday 5 April 2017

Wynyard Hall - Further Editing

I've been in the past week editing the Wynyard videos. We did some more shots a few weeks ago of the farmshop, the glasshouse, edible gardens and also another interview. The other editor dropped out due to other commitments and time issues. With my jobs mostly being production, I was free during post production and a few odd days so I stepped up. I got a few pages of feedback with what to edit and added the new shots in. I will send an annotated one back with what I changed and why if I didn't (as soon as the videos export. Writing this as I wait!). I will talk about a few changes in this post.

I decided to remove all of the terrace interview due to sound issues and the most recent interview saying similar things (which has higher quality audio). They also wanted some of the dialogue and shots in one video to put in another, but I didn't do this as I wanted to avoid repetition. So I got people saying similar things, and put different shots on them. 

There was a few audio feedback issues such as being a bit quiet, I couldn't boost some of it anymore, so I toned down the music. If it's still an issue, I may have to get the lecturer to show me how to do noise reduction and boost the volume even more. 

Removing the shots of one of the interviewees maybe an issue as she may not sign it off. I tried to avoid putting shots of her in, but I felt like I had to include one at least as she does have a vital part in one of the videos and introduces herself. I hope this will be okay. 

Another huge issue was the staff in the restaurant video. Most of them have left so they wanted them removed, however the shots look really great and it fits well with the interview talking about teamwork. We can either put other shots on (not sure if we have any (maybe some of the fresh bread in the farmshop?)) and it may look weird as it doesn't fit the dialogue. Or we can cut out that part of the interview completely. Or we can keep it as it is (my personal favourite option). I have asked which they would want.

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