Thursday 27 April 2017

Circus - Big Show Cutaways, Pick Ups and Car Scene

Today was the last day we had Lacee and Dad so we got all their cutaways in the big show (e.g. them walking up for each act, coming back, walking into the show, etc) and also Lacee's doll scene without the make up (as it comes on magically half way through). Went well, no issues. We were originally going to do the car scene first, but we couldn't get the LED's.

After the show cutaways, we did the car scene. Went well, even if it was a bit cold. The fact we shot it during the day maybe an issue so we may have to do "day for night". 

We had to go back to the big show as we forgot one cutaway, then we got some pick up shots the editor wanted at the circus set. We were very tired and rushed so we did them as quickly and as best to our ability as we could. 

Special thanks again to Tori for helping us out on sound today. Didn't get a lot of production stills today as we were very busy.

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