Wednesday 12 April 2017

Circus - WORMS

We were lucky enough to get into the Uni to film over Easter so we went in today to do more shots of the circus (we were going to do close ups of the street and the trombone shot, but we were strapped for time. We were also going to film tomorrow but we couldn't get the actors for long.)

We were also given a dodgy tripod which even though locked off, moved. So Beth had to step in to hold the slider and the legs in place. This also put more time on the shoot and was an inconvenience.

We were slow to start due to make up, so I got a LOT of cutaways (I was filming them non stop for about 2 hours). We then did a close up of Sophie with the tickets. We then did the candy cart scene and some clown shots. We got quite a lot of shots done on the morning! Even Liam had a cameo!

The most chaotic part of the shoot was at the end. The director went to get worms for the match cut of the strawberry laces at around 2. The caretakers then suddenly said that they were closing at 3:40 (we were told we could film until 5) so we rushed to get all the shots with the worms done as they may not live another day (one sadly got beheaded in the process of dropping the cup, RIP).

Overall, filming went well. Organisation could have been a bit better, such as letting us know sooner we had to be done by 3:40. Me and the director are coming in tomorrow to tidy up. I'm slightly concerned if the shots can be edited together as they join onto certain scenes and lighting or the 180 degree line may differ. We were careful about continuity, so this should be fine (I worry all the time so it's probably fine). Brad was kind enough to film some behind the scenes shots (I did some for him yesterday, so was a whole "I scratch your back" thing) and even Tillie got a few pictures (most are out of focus, the rest are not relevant to the production).

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