Friday 28 April 2017

Circus - Knife Throwing and End Scene

Today we got the knife scene in the big show done. We did lots of test footage for this so we knew what we needed, including one shot we didn't get last time. We got a lot of shots today, including a really nice lens flare of the knife against the red head with a red gel. 

After that, the actor playing the Dad arrived and went to the director's house to do the final scene. We took all the equipment over in the pouring rain, and set up. It did take us a while to figure out lighting as when we imitated the lighting in the living room, it shone against the window (we ended up having to live with this as literally everywhere we put it, you could see the shine. We will just say it's from a lamp). We also had another one to imitate the TV (we put a blue gel on it, but it didn't do anything, so we just used scrim on it). We got a few wide shots and some really tricky ones which were a pain to get. 

One of them was a low angle shot, including a pull focus from the remote to Sophie's face, her delivering her line (static) then sliding forward, focusing (as it kept loosing focus) and moving the camera so her eyes were central framed. It took a while, so we decided to cut it up and maybe cut to a cutaway in edit, so now it's just the remote pull focus, cut, and then the slider shot of Sophie's eyes. I'm not sure if it worked still, so we will have to find out. We ended up having to use Moshi Monster plasters to we knew where to pull focus to.

We also struggled to get a shot of the dolls in the case. I did say to get the shelves as it would look better and would have been easier to get. Basically, we had to slide really close to the Lacee doll (slider was on a high angle), slide up, keep focus and also move it so the case would be in shot. We ended up getting one possible good take but we may have to reverse it in post. We also got a few static ones just in case.

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