Wednesday 26 April 2017

Tag - An Update!!!

We have had a meeting with one of the lecturers to discuss what to do about Tag as we will not be able to get it all done in the next two weeks. We have decided to do a 'self contained' scene that tells the entire story in one scene. We have decided to film scene 11 with Oren, Rachel and Sam (with Rachel and Sam's death scenes). This is the biggest scene which will be about 5 minutes in total so we would need a whole day filming. We were originally going to be filming this Friday but we could only get one of the actors for half a day so we have rescheduled to Wednesday next week. It is a shame it has come to this, but extreme circumstances has called for extreme measures. Again, it was more of a final major to be able to pull it off successfully.

We have decided to use my student digs but we will have to put up wallpaper and a rug so the fake blood won't stain the paint or the carpet. I am also buying the costumes for the actors. I have asked someone on the crew to look for washable fake blood just in case some does get on the wall and carpet. I am also buying food, costume, wallpaper, rugs, and props in the next week and will keep a hold of budget.

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