Thursday 20 April 2017

Circus - More Filming

We were going to have two days this week to finish the circus/street and maybe start the big show, but we have had to just get one day due to actor availability. We still contacted reception last week to let them know we were filming the next week on the Thursday.

We had a bit of a hassle getting in. I booked a taxi for a little bit earlier so makeup was on time (as I live with them, they can hop in with me, as I needed the taxi to transport the tracking dolly), but they refused it. But the actor didn't turn up until 10 anyway (I was however stood outside by myself (they were going to help me in with it) with a suspicious looking tall bag, and no one to help me in, and I did get a few weird looks). Tori helped me soon enough, and was our sound op today!

Talking about sound, we had an issue finding the equipment. We had the boom pole (well... two!) and some XLR cables but couldn't find the Tascam or Zoom anywhere. We tracked down the Zoom to be in Hull, and the Tascam in Sunderland. So, we had to use the mic in the camera with an XLR cable. No ideal, but we can dub if necessary. 

Equipment for us over Easter was a huge issue because of this. We were also given a dodgy tripod (very dodgy! It went wonky every two seconds), one of the lights bust on shoot today (luckily we had two sets of red heads), and we were missing the bungees for the tracking dolly, so we had to use gaffa tape and a sitting Tori to secure it down.

One of the actors didn't turn up until very late (3 hours) and one had to be away by 2, so it was a rush to get all of the scenes they were both in done. We got most of them, but had to drop another as the actor playing Sophie was in a bad mood. 

Looking back at the footage, some of it seems to be a bit dark. Not sure how. So we may need to reshoot that too (mostly Lacee and the Clown). We would have liked to finish the circus and street this week, but stuff happens! I will give the editor all the footage and wait for their opinion to see if we should reshoot. We also didn't get a lot of production stills today as we were very busy. One of the actors did take a quick video of us, but I am waiting for that to be sent over. *update* Turns out he accidentally deleted it, and we have no production stills of this day either. :-( 

Note to self: Do lighting and floor plans

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