Wednesday 26 April 2017

Circus - Big Show Filming

Today we filmed most of the big show scene at the end of the film. Most of the actors were late and it took us longer than we thought to set up, so we didn't start filming until 11. The director had to go home then, so I had to direct (but I rang/messaged her for important stuff) today as well as do camera. Special thanks to Tori for doing sound, Chloe for doing production logs as well as just helping out in general, and Beth for taking a few production stills.

It all went really well. I wasn't very familiar with the script due to various updates and new dialogue so the actors helped me out with their lines so I knew when to get a close up. I'm thankful to them for being patient with me and everything went really smoothly. We need a few more pick up shots of Lacee without her doll make up and shots with Sophie as we couldn't get her this day.

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