Tuesday 20 December 2016

Visual Culture: Day 1 Filming and Editing

Today me and Janice (my camera op) filmed at Hartlepool and my house for half of the shoot (the other half will be at Blackhall one day next week). Janice is my camera op for this project as I can't star, direct and do camera! Also I helped Janice out with her's so it's also a returned favour. The filming went well and we were done quickly and efficiently. 

I've started a bit of editing and found an even better Muse song which fits really well. I also found a better way of doing the lipstick colour splash and found the tracking tool! I make it a bit more red and added the tracking and it turned out really well!

I also looked at the colour splash of Stitch, which was extremely difficult, since the lights (and therefore the whole scene) are also blue, so I had to use that selector tool. However, none of the shapes fit so I had to use loads of circles and squares piled on top of each other. It isn't perfect at the moment, so I will come back to it once I have more motivation and patience. 

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