Monday 12 December 2016


Just got some feedback from the lecturer today since Friday's session didn't happen. A few points were raised which I will talk about and evaluate below;

  • Last minute issues- yeahhh I agree. We remained professional and thought fast. I would have liked to help the crew out more in the studio, but I wanted to make sure the actor was okay.
  • Basic set up- it's a tent, we couldn't really add much else. We tried putting up different curtains but it looked odd and couldn't get them to drape nicely or stay up. We added a wooden shelf, two side tables for bags, and an entrance. We added all that we could.
  • Ambition- maybe too ambitious! The last minute sabotage of spooky ending votes also wasn't helpful *looks at lecturer* We had loads planned, such as the votes for viewer interaction and the smoke machine! 
  • Camera movement- I had a lot planned in terms of camera (see this post for details) I did have a complected track for the Spooky ending and also planned for a track when George was improvising, however, when I told the camera op to do this, I got no response. Most of the stream didn't have much drama to track either as people were sitting or standing not doing much, but I did get the third camera to slowly zoom in on George's face as the drama escalated.  
  • 2nd unit tone- this might be because of different directors directing the VT and the overall stream? I tried to match the colour palettes and included similar props/setting. I also added a red gel to the red heads to match the tent's red gel. It might also be a quality issue? I'm not sure as I personally don't see it.
  • VT playback issue- luckily this isn't effecting us as the local recording plays fine (I blame YouTube)

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