Tuesday 6 December 2016

Tech and Actor Rehearsal #3

Today, we had another crew and actor rehearsal. However, we were missing a few crew and also Benny, so Shaun stepped in to read lines (thanks again Shaun!) This rehearsal was mostly to get May to learn her lines and see how it would go, but was also to test out the stream and the equipment a day before we go live. 


It could have gone better.

Before our first run through today, our actor had a breakdown. I comforted her and she was fine in about 10 minutes. I asked if she would do this tomorrow but she said she will be fine, so I trusted her judgement, and we continued the rehearsals. I gave her the tarot cards to use as she kept going blank, adding to the pressure. We did a few more read-through's, I even Skyped the actor at midnight to go through her lines, which she learnt. I was feeling pretty confident for tomorrow...

Anyways, back to today. The first rehearsal was terrible. The mic was left on during the VT, the actors didn't read their lines on time with the floor manager when I was saying "we're live!" and the siren/VT is too loud. The white balance on the cameras also look a bit off.

The second rehearsal was a bit better. The mic was left on during the timer. The actors forgot some of their lines (mostly Shaun which is totally understandable). The time was also a bit short on this one. It's looking like we might need to improvise after the cut to black. I have asked the actors and they are fine with it.

The third rehearsal was a lot better, despite May looking towards camera for cues. We also didn't have our spooky voice actor, to the actors had to improvise without. This was hard for me to cue the lights to cut, but it worked well, especially with the thunder effect. The cut back was a bit too long, so it should last about 3 seconds. 

The fourth rehearsal was just the spooky ending, which was a bit wobbly due to Shaun having the wrong script, and May LOOKING AT CAMERA FOR CUES AGAIN. 

The last rehearsal of the day was just the violent ending, and guess what May does again? The scream at the end also doesn't work, so I have cut it. We then faded back to the room to fill out the time, but it is a bit prolonged and viewers will tune out, so improvisation will have to happen if this ending is chosen. I have put on the VLE and the group chat my ideas for improvisation for each ending if we are running under. 

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