Friday 30 December 2016

First Draft!

Yayyyy! Finally colour corrected everything (some worked better than others again). I left Stitch all in colour as I just couldn't colour splash it. I also filmed a frog swing at Blackhall which also didn't colour splash very well due to it being on green grass.

RIP Green Frog

I also colour splashed a multi coloured bench using that shape tool and literally just realised the grass in the background is also colour splashed. I hope no one will notice.

I installed a 7 day free trial of Premiere Pro to edit with but that still buffered on my laptop and I didn't have time or patience to learn a new software, so I continued to use Movie Maker. I didn't overlap any clips but I did use a lot of fades and blurs in the dream sequence, and it works.

I have a few fine tunes to do (including that bench) and I will ask for feedback to see if people like it, and it will also be interesting to see if they understand my choices in colour/why I colour splashed, the framing, and the narrative.

I am also unsure whether to create another edit with royalty free music and get a charity attatched. I'll ask for feedback to see if it's good enough. I also like how it fits with the current track.

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