Thursday 1 December 2016

(Tech) and (Actor) Rehearsal #2

The reason why tech and actor is in brackets is because we were significantly low on bodies. May, our vision mixer and our sound mixer(part 1)/floor manager(part 2) were missing. The camera ops at one point has to double up as floor manager and also on camera. As directors, we had to vision mix, as well as direct the cameras, I almost ended up doing lights at one point, but I couldn't cut between the cameras and do it. Shaun stepped in as May, which was fab. However, the show is very short, average length being 12 minutes 30 seconds. I was telling the floor manager to stretch it out, so I'm not sure if the gestures failed, the actors saw the floor manager, or the actors didn't know what the gestures meant. I recommend going through them on the day.

The first stream has a much quieter VT. Not quite sure what I did differently. The stream, however, looks much darker than the other ones that we have streamed. Not quite sure why. The lights were the same. We did the violent ending, and I managed to cut it just in time on the vision mixer, much better than the one yesterday.

The sound in the second half of the second stream was much quieter for some reason and completely cuts out at one point. I also think we have cast the wrong person as May. Shaun nailed it. The actors also looked up as soon as we went live, not sure if it was a floor manager fault as they didn't count them in. The VT at the end is also back to being weird and echo-y. One of the cameras also seem to be on the wrong white balance maybe? The close up of May is a completely different colour to the others.

The third stream went well. We did the spooky ending (we had no voice though, so the actors had to leave a space where it would be). I tried out the cut on the vision mixer and it works, however, watching it back, the sound also needs to cut out as you can hear George's footsteps!!! I also told the camera ops their shots before this and they nailed it.

The final stream was just of the happy ending. I can't quite remember who did the lights, but they need to last so much longer, and what happened to the sound effect. The floor manager's headset during this stream (I believe, or maybe earlier on) so there's a gap of the actors live not knowing what's going on. The camera ops once again nailed the shots I wanted. I also tried out the fade on the vision mixer and timed it well (I did a three second fade as soon as May said "I got to make a living somehow).

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