Sunday 31 January 2016

The Year of the Remake

I found this interesting article about 2016 being the 'year of the remake' according to Moviepilot. 

Ricky Derisz. (2016). 2016 - The Year of the Remake: These 6 Classic Films Are Being Rebooted... But Should They Be?. Available: Last accessed 31st Jan 2016.

It's interesting to see what they think of the remakes, giving a non biased opinion. I also like how there is a poll beneath each one asking people if they think the remakes are a good idea. The majority for each one say no. It would also be interesting to see why they think that? This is what my questionnaire will cover. The comment section is also handy; one particularly caught my attention...

"jumanji and ghost busters are a waste of time and should be sequels , not reboots, even though they do not need any, Spideman is a joke at this point, Independence day is not a sequel and the exorcist with cgi, might be a treat... I don't understand why spider man needed three reboot,s what a joke and the girls on ghost busters are flat out ugly, they don't need the guns to scare off the ghosts, they simply need to go into the room and scream boo...I swear there is no originality in Hollywood anymore"

However there are some positive comments about remakes...

"People are always so up and arms about reboots and being original. There are a lots of originals movies out there, just a lot are getting new versions for fans. If it makes people happy then why not? Not everything is supposed to be original. It's just entertainment. This is not a jab at the Author, just an opinion I have about people complaining about originality in Hollywood." 

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