Thursday 14 January 2016

Visual Culture Adventure/Fail'm-going-on-an-adventure-gif

I went to a few libraries the past few days to try and find some books I could use for my essay (since I have to use 6 books minimum). I went to CCAD library first and found two books on Luis Bunuel which could have been useful. Closer inspection when I got home revealed they were about two different films by Bunuel: Un Chien Andalou and The Discreet Charm of the Bougeoisie (this is bad as I am doing 70s surrealism and focused on different films). I still remained optimistic and hoped there would be some useful quotes on surrealism in general. The Un Chien one was useless, but I am still reading through the Discreet Charm one so fingers crossed there's something!

I also went to Blackhall Library which was a complete fail- they don't even have a cinema section! I could have possibly reserved some books but they might not have come in time.

My last hope is some of the books in Google Books. I wanted to scavenge the libraries first as I scan them and can read them better (what's wrong with the old fashioned way!) 

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