Tuesday 12 January 2016

Professional Studies #6

Today we looked more at breaking down a script, looking at script revisions and a technique to clearly organise and see the script and possible shooting schedule using post-it notes.

We were given pieces of paper to put each scene from our scripts we were given last week. We then put the scene number, page number, scene description, brief scene synopsis, actors in the scene and props on the notes. We ordered them in scene number and also the hardest scenes to easiest, to see which to film first and which had multiple locations.

The scenes in my chosen script in order of hardest-easiest to shoot.

We then looked at script revisions and how to add updates to a script. Basically... don't. If you do, change the front cover to a different colour so the crew know when they need a new version and they have the right one. Add a revision by adding a * next to it. However, revising a revision is not fun. If you do, erase all existing *. 


Once a script is marked as final, the scene numbers can't change. If there are any more revisions, you have to slot in some A and B scenes, so the order goes like this: 6, 6A, 6B, 7, 8... Omitted scene numbers still stay in. Page numbers also don't change in a final version of a script and also turn into A and B pages if you do add any revisions if the script becomes longer (if it becomes shorter with omissions, leave a blank space where the scene used to be). When new material makes you remove pages, also put in the page number the span of the page numbers that are missing so they look a bit like this; 12, 13-14B, 14C, 15... 

That's a basic summary of my understanding of the lesson. It probably won't make any sense when I look back at this but ah well. 


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