Wednesday 27 January 2016

Study Skills - Report Writing

Me and Beth went to the study skills on Report Writing but we didn't learn much new, and Su kept repeating herself, so we called it quits halfway through.

I did make a few notes which I will post below;

  • facts not prose
  • short descriptive paras and sentences. Facts in bullet points if you want.
  • figures= charts, graphs, images
  • summary (about?), intro (detail, aims), main body (facts), conclusion (viewpoint), recommendations (optional).
  • Quotes
  • Logical flow.
  • Figure listing @ front, biblio @ back.
  • Purpose, facts, structure, objective- why, what, how, what achieve?
  • Title, purpose and overall aim, facts, structure, outcome, target audience
  • Research: primary- questionnaires, surveys. Secondary- books, websites...
  • Specific questions to answer
  • Title, acknowledgements, figure listing, contents, summary, intro, main body, conclusion, recommendations, appendices, biblio.
  • Ttitle page: title, programme, module assignment title, semester (2014-15), name, level, Put as header too. 
  • Page nos and headers
  • Summary completed last. Main points, conc and recc.
  • Research findings- how many responded and scale.
  • "the aim of this report..."
  • Intro: context of report and objectives, background, info, outline approach to fact finding and structure of report.
  • Main body: findings, short sections with sub headers, figures, analysis of data, issues and problems. Research methods. Who is questionnaire aimed at? How many questionnaires distributed and how many back? Results.
  • conclusion: final verdict. Answer questions posed.
  • Recommendations: order of priority. Bullet point. How to distribute guidelines.
  • Appendices: evidence of questionnaires. Copies.
  • Objective view, both sides.
  • Line spacing 1.5, arial or times, 12pt, page nos, A4.
These notes probably only make sense to me (sorry my note taking is weird).

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