Monday 25 January 2016

Belbin Self Perception Inventory

Today we started on our live brief but Diane tried something new to sort each other into groups. We filled out this very weird questionnaire like a quiz you get in children's magazine where you add up all the numbers at the end. Not too dissimilar in theory. Turns out I am someone called a 'completer-finisher'; I have a capacity to follow through but I get stressed easily (yup so me).

I am definitely not a 'monitor evaluator' so I definitely am not hard headed or sober (hah).

Diane then kept hyping up how she was happy to have 3 completer finisher's on the course and we ended up being team captains for each group for the live project. I don't see how being stressed easily is a good thing or team captain material but whatever floats your goat.

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