Tuesday 5 January 2016

Professional Studies #5

Today we looked at breaking down a script, starting with the call sheets. I was already familiar with these after having to understand one for when I was on the set of Together. More exciting stuff about this can be found on my blog post here. The one I was given was a lot simpler to the one Mike showed us for one of the scenes in one of the Pirates of the Caribbean films.


We then looked at Element colour codes and 'coloured in' a script. The Screenwriting pathway had their scripts printed of (some has multiple ones so I annotated one of Janice's) and Digital were also given a previous student's script to annotate. All the colours made the script look really nice and was overall fun to do.


We also looked at The Rule of 1/8ths, where a page of a script is split into 1/8ths, but measure/mark every scene, not every page. This is put on call sheets and is used to measure out how long a scene is. It is not an exact science and a scene that takes up 1 1/8 of a page might not take as long to film as one which only takes up 4/8th of a page depending on the actual content of the scene. 

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