Thursday 5 April 2018

Work Experience

Just a quick post to say to check out the 'Extra' tab/label to see experience I have either been a part of from CCAD or gathered on my own accord (, which all hit LO3 for Professional Practice. The most notable one for Professional Practice is the wedding photography job I got from my Facebook cinematography page. This was all independently sought, organised and a paid position, and it went quite well and the clients were very happy. It was also good to see if this was where I wanted to go with my career and is still an option. Even though I am cinematography based, occasional photography is still great and also something I'm hugely interested in. A few more notable experiences are being on ITV News, behind the scenes photographer in Onion Man (achieved with the help of Janice and letting me on set) and helping out in Echoes of Silence/some BTS. 

Cirque du Muerte from last year also received an RTS regional award which I have included in all my social media and paperwork (CV, etc). 

Sadly haven't heard anything back from Media City (yet!). I have also submitted into The Network in Edinburgh so hoping to hear from them when the deadline has passed. 

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