Monday 30 April 2018

Hope - Day 4

Due to a few communication errors, I had to rearrange the dates on the risk assessments so we are now doing the black room and hospital scenes today and the cellar and car crash tomorrow. I also put on a way too late unit call as I didn't realise we were putting down bin bags all over the floor to blacken it out. I also used a new piece of equipment called the quick release plate. It attatches to the tripod and can essentially take it of the tripod easily to shoot handheld then back on for tripod shots. It was great and I'm not sure where it's been all my life.

Photo Credit Janice Lee

For lighting, there are two LED lights on the left hand side and one overhead. Tillie comes out of the dark and into the light, and it's not too bright or too dark. The light of the TV also worked well. We started filming at about 5 and finished at 6:30. We decided to grab the hospital close ups too while we still have a hospital bed set upstairs which took a bit longer as we needed a few extra bits of equipment. Roughly finished at 8. We have left the studio as is for now if we need any pick up shots tomorrow, but we will need to dismantle it on Wednesday.

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