Tuesday 17 April 2018

Last Updates

I feel like I have got to the point where I think my website and materials are perfectly balanced. Putting anything in at this time just throws it out of place and is erroneous. I would have liked to put testimonials in but I don't have any/haven't received any and would have to make a whole new page as I have just the right amount of content on each at the moment. I have added in more information about the cameras I have used as well as dates so people can see my most recent projects and projects that are coming up (so they know I am still active), and also changed one of the projects to include work experience I have had with Maxy Bianco as it sounds more professional. I have also included mentoring in my About Me as well as keeping up with professionalism in the future (people often ask in interviews where do you see yourself in the future).

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