Monday 23 April 2018

Hope Update

Production for Hope has slowed down more than I would have liked. Communication was very quiet and I was worried I would have to step up as main producer and finish the film (or join what we have together to make a coherent piece) after our production meeting on Friday. Even more worrying we haven't received a completed script so even if I were to take over, I had no idea what scenes there were and what they contained.

It would have been ideal to film over Easter like we did for Cirque last year but we couldn't. Would have been even better to film more before we broke up or get straight back into it after Easter and book equipment for when we get back. 

But we now have a plan of action and communication has fired back up. I have booked out the studio Monday 30th for the car crash* and hospital shots, and Tuesday 1st for the cellar scene reshoots and the dark room. Since it's unrealistic to get the whole film finished in time, the director has picked the most important scenes and ones that can make the film still work. I'm a bit upset that the workshop scene has been cut as I was really looking forward to lighting and storyboarding the set. Maybe, if we get ahead with scheduling, we could film it. But we should be focusing on the main scenes, prioritising, and giving the editor plenty of time if there is anything else we need.

There are also some concerns of the Wetherspoons scene. The establishing shot is quite wobbly. My bad, I was camera op here. We did to multiple tests to see which worked best and did multiple takes but it wasn't enough. The jib was too big and clunky to bring too. The actor also drinks the wine very slowly. There must be a way to edit around this if we can't get any reshoots. At the moment, we have to prioritise and get new things to make the current scenes we have flow and into one film and come back for reshoots later.

*note to self don't forget dropping the cigarette in slow mo here

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