Sunday 22 April 2018

Hope - Equipment Needs

Hope is a fairly safe production for camera equipment with more drastic equipment needed for set dressing (the black room, light prop, etc). A jib would have been ideal for the Wetherspoons opening shot but there just wasn't enough room. This was the opening and probably the most ambitious to get right.

The main equipment used was the Blackmagic Mini Ursas (for high quality footage), tripod, slider and the studio LEDs (sometimes the small ones for inside a car). We were more experimental with frame rates and sets than the equipment. We also had Hutch's lighting kit. We only used LED lights for the film as they are easier to control and give off a much more softer lighting. Sometimes we also don't have great electricity in locations like the soundstages and the cellar, so the portable studio ones would be ideal.

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