Monday 19 March 2018

Website Fine Tuning

I have reworded a lot of things on my website today to make them sound more professional. I have also deleted the blog on my site as I thought this was too informal and too much work to change this close to deadline (have to prioritise). 

One problem was deciding whether to put the bios in first or third person. I have decided to put the home page and portfolio in third person to make it seem more professional, and my About Me page in first person so people would connect to it more. The About Me page has been reworded quite drastically as I have always been unsure how to word this, so I asked for advice and have a better understanding what to change and focus on, as well as my own judgement when it comes to pronouns and wording things.

I have also made a few fine tweaks to the website to make it look more aligned and aesthetically pleasing.

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