Sunday 18 March 2018


Some things that were suggested to include in our professional package was a subscriber tool, offer some freebies and to add a narration to our showreels. I have decided against the narration of the showreel as mine is mostly visual and I can't really envision or think of anything I could talk about. 

I have added a subscriber tool to my website but can't seem to edit it. So I put a headline above it.

I'm not 100% sold on this idea yet. I will ask for opinions on this feature as well as researching into what professionals do. I will also have to change the email that people receive and carefully word it. I'm not sure how to make a consultation completely free either unless it's like a Skype call or something, or it's fairly local. If someone from like Australia or even London is interested then I might be in trouble. Might need to put this on terms and conditions!

Update 19.03.18: Typically, cinematographer pages do not offer freebies on their websites, their website is more of a big portfolio for just work. I have looked at Nicola Daley's and Suzie Lavelle's websites for research (hitting LO1) and they are all very visual. Mine is more like a business page where I can get jobs from, so I have decided to use the subscriber idea, especially now I have created the email template as I really like it. I have used Wix Shoutout to create an automated email for everyone who subscribes. I made the background similar to the website for synergy. I was also careful about wording the free consultation in case it is hard to travel in the north east on a particular day or distance or whatever. 

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