Tuesday 13 March 2018

Afterlife - Day 2

Today we filmed the opening sequence to Afterlife in Wetherspoons and originally the Marina. However the director decided for ease as well as aesthetic to keep it all in Wetherspoons (still did the risk assessment for the Marina anyway!) I put a call time for the crew at 1 and for the actor at 3 on the call sheet however the actor turned up incredibly early and we got equipment late. Luckily this was the only bump in our schedule. We also ended up shooting day for night as a few people needed to be headed off at 6pm, which was when sunset was.

We also chose not to bring the red heads and use Hutch's new lighting kit and I'm so tempted to buy one myself. It was so much easier to carry, set up and less dangerous as they do not get hot. However, they do not have batteries and are not portable, so we took a few studio LED lights with us in case we needed them outside in the dark. 

We had two camera ops on set today so I assigned myself to the handheld camera and the second camera op to the safety shots and tripod. I did this as I rehearsed the complected opening shot before and know where I need to pull focus. We both got a lot of great looking shots and plenty of cutaways for the editor to work with. I also tried to make a few edit cues when the mother leaves the pub (e.g. walking into the actor to make it cut to black).

For the outside car shot, we had an issue with delivery drivers and people so we had to find the right time to film and quickly move out the way. The exhaust shot that the director wants didn't work amazingly well and may need some smoke put on in post. 

The shoot went very smoothly, and we finished at 6 (before the estimated wrap). I also feel like we got a lot shot from having two cameras on set.

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