Saturday 17 March 2018

Edinburgh International Film Festival 'The Network'

Got an opportunity emailed to us a few days ago about a scheme from Edinburgh Film Festival called The Network. Basically it's a four day course to try and kick start a job in the film industry. There will be industry professionals there and looks like it will be valuable experience. I tried to find any flaws and I just can't seem to find any. Accommodation is supplied and I could get my travel and food expenses back. The only flaw I can find that I might fall at is that I have to come up with a new TV show idea. I'm more technical savvy than ideas, and I will be extremely unhappy if they pick my idea and want me to organise it all (want experience with the cameras ideally). But hopefully I can change my path and just focus on my technical skills in my CV and three questions that need to be answered alongside it. 

Deadline for this is Friday 27th April so hopefully I can come up with a fleshed out idea by then!

Side note: This also fulfils learning outcome three for Professional Practice by using my skills in this module for potential employers.

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