Saturday 7 October 2017

Referencing Primary Research

Out of all the things to struggle with in my Dissertation, I was not expecting it to be referencing my own suvey. I have looked on Moodle, the Internet and asked my supervisor and I have found nothing. The closest I can find is "don't reference it at all as it is your own research" ( However, I also want to know how to word it in the Dissertation as I can't use first person pronouns, so how will people know I created it? At the moment it reads as "A survey of 190 people" which makes it read like it needs refrencing. Even though I don't need to reference it, lots of websites say I still need to mention that it is mine. But how when I can't use first person pronouns? I could say "a personal survey"?

I will include it in my appendix for now, and leave it as it is and hopefully my supervisor will help me. If not, my next port of call is looking at previous Dissertations in the Library or asking the programme leader what to do. I may also include my extra blog work in the appendix.

*UPDATE* I have contacted a previous graduate who received a First in their Dissertation and how they included their survey. I need to place the survey and results in the appendix and then put the number in the bibliography. They are also going to find their Dissertation and tell me how they actually mentioned it in the essay.

*FURTHER UPDATE* The graduate is a live saver, I am citing them an honorable mention in my Dissertation. Crisis averted.

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