Thursday 19 October 2017

Minor Fine Tuning

After handing in my Minor Agreement, my lecturer suggested doing an instructional video, which I took on board and think its's a good idea, and makes my ideas a bit more coherent. I will still be filming props, I just need to look for a narrator (and make a script) and possibly another camera to film behind the scenes. *UPDATE* I've had quite a few people interested and two send in auditions. I think my lecturer wants me to change my idea again; to set dress the set in the soundstage. However this does not fit my outcomes as I wanted to use the studio lights and a controllable location. I want to get my learners agreement approved and signed off as we are really running out of time.  

20.10.17 Learners Agreement is approved! I've also been thinking about my narrator as I'm unsure how to layout my how to video. It might be a bit easier if I say and talk in front of camera about what I personally have done. I could also do it as a tutorial kind of thing with narrations, which I will have to make a script for and get them in to record. It might be a bit of a clart on. I'll think about it in the next week and how I will shape it.

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