Monday 23 October 2017

Action Plan

I have made a document and uploaded it to my Moodle page of the exact plan of my Minor, but I'll talk about it in more depth here too.

I have took the 15 Principles of Mise-en-scene and made it into 5 as I find a lot can link together and cover the same things. I've also decided to go with the funny narration type of how-to video as it will hopefully gain a bigger audience (if I do the humour right!) and people will actually stay tuned and learn something (it could change their life...).

I have included people in two of the principles to show the meanings better (e.g. depth of field, importance, etc.) It would also be funny to see a person wearing a blue top eating a green banana (clashing colours according to the colour wheel) and the world not ending.

Filming the behind the scenes stuff, I might need another camera op to follow me around and film what exactly I am doing (sound not needed) and how I am editing it. It might be good to do this with just my Canon camera as it's not the main focus (I will be filming the props with the blackmagic). 

I have encorporated my prop list into the action plan (and which ones show the principles better). Now I need to focus on studio and equipment booking time now I have a plan of action for my how-to video. Afterwards, I need to get working on the script and let an actor know so I can also record sound. I think it would be wise to film the footage first as I can grab someone to do camera before they start on their projects, and I can also base the script around what I've shot. 

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