Friday 13 October 2017

Blackmagic Tech Dem

Today we had a tech dem on the Blackmagics, which was essentially a refresher from Wynyard filming. I still made a few notes to add to the blog for the future and if I need any more reminders.

  • can choose to have a monitor on set
  • Can change display. Menu-settings-frame. 2.39:1 and 2.40:1 gives nice bars. Also thirds option (which will probably be what I go for as I do like my framing, and we can always add bars in post)
  • solid state harddrive
  • ISO built in for 800 (reccomended number). 400 for outside
  • ProResHQ usual recording format
  • Dynamic range. Film= more info, best for colour grading. Video= use if no time for colour grading
  • 25fps is reccomended as that is what is used for Vue
  • Make sure timelapse is off
  • Settings-display. Zebras (overexposed) can be on
  • Make darker, change f stop. Makes DoF shallower
  • Always bring ND filters if outside
  • Shutter angle= 172.8 (can be 180). [jello effect if lower, whip pan if higher]
  • 5600 white balance if outside. 5000 inside. 3600 readheads.
  • Switch camera off before change lenses
  • If electronic lens, back and forward buttons change ISO
  • Settings-display-LCD overlay and SDI overlay to ON so you can see the settings
  • Exposure histogram on bottom left of the display. Keep low and as even as possible. Should fill 70%.
  • metadata- rename camera and clips. A= automatically updates take number

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