Saturday 6 May 2017

The Heist - Camera B

Completely forgot to put this on my blog. I went down to The Heist filming today. After their first lot of filming went down the drain, they decided to film a short scene. I offered to help out and they said I could operate another camera so they get more filmed in a shorter amount of time. I went down shortly after dinner and they were already set up. I stood around waiting for about half an hour, then asked what I should do. I was told to set up the camera and they asked their main camera op where I should put it. Then I was told not to touch it and he would do it. I tried to argue my case and said it would save time, but they were having none of it. So I took some of their food and drink and left. What could I do? I was very annoyed at the time I wasted there, they could have told me half an hour ago that I wasn't needed or even before the shoot. I did take a few production stills for their blogs and just to say I was there.

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