Monday 1 May 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Review

I treated myself this week to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2, I've been looking forward to it all week as I haven't had a day off for ages and I deserve a treat! I went to the 3D showing (even though there's only one showing a day at 8pm at Hartlepool which is weird) since James Gunn recommended the 3D version. Talking about the Hartlepool Vue, a lot has changed; there's no free postcards and no tall TV's showing trailers anymore! Anyways, rant over.

Let's start with the 3D. The best part was the new Marvel logo in 3D which was fantastic, but the film itself was also great in 3D. It was very subtle and I liked it, I hate obvious 3D effects as it distracts me from the film. However, I am unsure if the 3D is a must, as like I said, it's very subtle, I'm sure the 2D would suffice.

Studying cinematography ruined this film for me as I was constantly going "ah nice wide shot, it's very open" or "ew what happened to rule of thirds". But it was a stunning film nevertheless, I tried to enjoy it as much as I could and not think this or look at the guy in front who checked the time on his phone every 10 minutes. 

This film was much darker in tone than the first one. The scale and the risk was larger and we saw lots more planets which I really enjoyed. Kurt Russell was great in the film and some awesome acting from Chris Pratt made their chemistry one of the best things about the film. I would have liked to see more father/son bonding and snarky comebacks, but the plot meant otherwise *no spoilers*. The effects with Pratt as a battery *hard to explain without spoilers* was also fantastic and my favourite effect. I did also like the hyperspace effect.

However, having said that, my favourite scene in the whole film was the very beginning. ELO is one of my favourite bands and was the best use of soundtrack in the whole movie. I could not stop smiling throughout this scene. Baby Groot stole the show for cuteness but Drax definitely had the funniest lines (there was a lot of adult humour which was also a nice change), apparent in all the trailers.

Looking back at some of the trailers, there are a lot of missing scenes or alternative dialogue, such as when Mantis is hit and Drax says "oh no watch out" in the actual film but says "that could have hit me" in the trailer. And Nebula saying "Gardens of the Galaxy" was cut. I am very excited to see these on the DVD when it comes out.

Overall, I would say this is on par with the first Guardians of the Galaxy. A huge emotional trip, with great acting, more character development and thoroughly enjoyable. I was a bit disappointed by the 5 post credits scenes (they were mostly daft with one serious one), but I do like the credits with the hidden "I am Groot"'s and the end statement "no raccoons or tree creatures were harmed during the making of this film". But the film itself was superb and I would happily watch it again.


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