Sunday 21 May 2017

Minor Ideas

I know, it's probably way to early to start thinking about Minor, but I've had a few ideas I want to write down before I forget them. I also need to look carefully at the brief as I have no idea if it will fit. 

After going to the Kodak Awards last weekend (mostly gatecrashing since I missed out on this due to the different pathway system), we heard that a year previously has done the Kodak briefs for their minors. I asked Mike and Lee if this is a possibility and it looks doable. I would like to look into 16mm and cinematography as I want to be as adept in all formats as possible and would also be nice to enter the awards if they are good enough. I would probably need someone to help me with ideas (as I am not good at coming up with plots and scripts).

My other idea if the first does not get approved is how does camera framing, composition and movement effect a film? I will find a few famous film scenes and change the framing of some of them to see of they still have the same emotional impact. This idea is loosely based on the Cineflix videos on YouTube but it will be more researched and focused on cinematography. I may also put into practice what I have learnt and do different framing edits with a scene of my own.

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