Thursday 4 May 2017

Tag - Filming!

Today is our first/last day of filming the new self contained scene. One of the actors turned up a little late, but we were still setting up. We were going to put up wallpaper for the fake blood, but it was too distracting and you could tell it was held up by blu tac, so we just made sure it was okay with the location owners if we could use it on the wall and that it was washable. 

I posted flyers and put up posters saying to not be alarmed if you hear screams or noises. I also talked to the dentist next door and they were fine with it and enthusiastic too! I also did catering the night before, but no one seemed to eat the food (sigh, I put a lot of effort into the food, guess that just means for me to eat as leftovers). I also acted today as Rachel which was a challenge. Acting petrified is hard, but I think I did okay and the director seemed happy. The blood was super sticky and I had to leave it on my face just in case I was in shot later on. So all the paperwork is super sticky (sorry guys, but they are all scanned in on the VLE and are significantly less sticky). 

Overall the shoot today went very smoothly. We did leave quite a bit of equipment at location by accident, but we did have a lot to carry, we have picked it up since. We were also using Jack's camera to film at the start, but the battery died and we had to use mine which was a little bit similar. The look of the film may differ because of it, so it was not ideal, but we couldn't really do much else as we didn't have Jack's charger.

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