Tuesday 2 May 2017

Circus - That's a Wrap!

We had a few reshoots to do to make the edit look smoother today (we were very lucky to get the actors back), including one of the knife thrower doing a faster throw and one of Sophie looking shocked/bewildered when the knife hits the board *no small children were hurt during the shoot, but Liam maybe scarred for life* as it looked very orange last time and we weren't sure why. Turns out it was because the gel was too strong and make it look orange on camera, so we toned it down using scrim (hopefully it wont be too much of an issue with continuity). 

We then got the Zoltar card shot and some mannequin cutaways and hands/stumps clapping. The shoot went quite well and was not stressful as we knew what we exactly we needed to help the editor out. And we are now officially wrapped filming on Circus, now I can focus on filming Tag tomorrow and doing my evaluation! 

We also had a small photoshoot with Sophie for the poster which looks terrifying, but I enjoyed doing taking the pictures for it. 

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