Thursday 4 May 2017

Tag - Updated List of Festivals

I have decided to update the list of possible festivals to enter Tag into due to the length and nature of the film changing. I will look at the previous ones I have listed and see if they will still accept a film that is around 5 minutes long.

East Coast Film Festival (

Submissions: May 31st - August 31st (free for students!)
Location: Skegness
Specifications: Films to be made in or after 2014. 
Awards: Best Short, Best Short Short, Best Trailer
Festival Date: September 9th

FrightFest (

Submissions: July 1st - August 17th (£12 fee)
Location: London
Specifications: Online submission. Under 10 minutes. 
Awards: Can't find any information.
Festival Date: 24-28th August

Feel The Reel (

Submissions: May 4th - May 27th (£10 entry for students)
Location: Glasgow
Specifications: Up to 40 minutes. Made in or after 2014.
Awards: Best Student Film (free trophy), also different category and individual awards
Festival Date: May 31st

Other potential festivals: (very similar to Feel the Reel, £12 entry, same deadlines) (London, £3 entry, May 14 deadline) (London, £5 entry, June 19 deadline) (Kent, £4 student entry, June 17 deadline) (Manchester, £12 (there is a discount code on the site for 25% off), June 24 deadline)

*UPDATE* I have uploaded Tag into a few festivals but have had nothing but rejections back. 

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