Wednesday 1 March 2017

Jib Test

Today we went over to Production Design to try out a jib shot the director had in mind. It took a while to set up the jib (+2 extra people), but we got there eventually. The level 4's also filmed us fail so that was fun. 

We did a few shots with the jib and it looks good! We have a bit of practice/blocking now for the actual shoot. We would also need to be there well in advance to set everything up.

We also tried a similar shot with the slider and tripod (like in this video, which I talk about in this blog post). It was a lot less smooth, as the director wanted it going up and down as well as sliding in and out. We did a few tests, but I had to step in saying it didn't work and looked bad. The jib was by far the success of the day.

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