Friday 17 March 2017

Clown Trombone Shoot

Today we got just the actor playing the clown in for just the trombone shot, as it took us a whole day to do it last time. We set up in the morning and got the actor in on the afternoon. We picked up the costume from Fashion and got him straight into make-up. We had Zoe and Danny from Production Design (my housemates too) to do his make up. The director contacted them in advance with what she wanted and they did a few tests until she was happy with the result. It took about an hour to get the actor into make up and costume which is good to consider for the other shoots. 

We got the trombone shot in the very first take, which looked the best compared to the other takes. It looks very scary and the effect works! 

(not sure what the bump at the end is! Might be me hitting the clamp on the track)

We also did a few close up shots for the editor to experiment with. I think the director might scrap the eye effect as it may cheapen the film, and the lighting I used is a bit too dark. I decided to go for a noir kind of effect with one side of the clown's face in shadow as it gives that bit of darkness to him. 

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