Thursday 30 March 2017

Circus - Street Shoot

Today we filmed some of the street scenes (apart from the Clown since we can't get hold of the actor, so we may have to recast and do the trombone shot again (noooooooooo)). One of the actors turned up a few hours late and another one had to be done by 1:30 so this wasn't the best of starts, but we got everything set up and we were finished on time for the actor to leave.

We were going to do the jib shot with the actors walking in, however, the focus is completely out for the actors and I can't change it as it's too high and I will be operating the jib. So we decided to do this last and without the actors.

Credit to Janice for the picture

We did the dolly shots and also a few close ups so there's variation to cut between. I'm slightly worried that the dolly has some of the classroom next door into it and also the framing might be a little off, but I can't tell until we watch it back. *small update- yep this did happen, but the wider angle looked better than it zoomed in as I got everyone in... even if I did get some of the classroom in. If the Dad moves slightly to his right, it may cover it. We will probably have time to reshoot tomorrow, and hopefully with better sound*

Sound was also a huge issue. We asked if they could keep quiet for a minute when we call "silence on set", but they didn't and drills and all sorts kept going off. Dubbing maybe a good option here. 

We only got one production still today sadly (we had our hands a bit full).

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