Tuesday 14 March 2017

Elwick Recce

Today we went to Elwick to look for nice exterior shots for Oren's hometown. We also need some sort of a bridge. We just so happened to stumble upon one, but it is quite small and you may as well just step over the river, a bit of a useless bridge, but hey, at least we have a possible location now. Not quite sure who I contact to get permission to film, maybe the council, so I will look into that. The director seems happy with the location, but we are going to Osmotherly on Thursday to see which is better.

We were also supposed to do test footage in The Grand Hotel but they didn't get back to me about shooting. I was going to go over today but a few of the people can no longer make it due to other film commitments. I have suggested using The Studio as a backup if they are still none responsive.

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