Tuesday 28 February 2017

Car Test #3

Today our mission was to do the car shoot again, but in lighting the Director wants. However, this didn't happen. I think it will be a lot darker on shoot. We could still do some lighting tests today to see what works. Red heads outside would be a good shout, but didn't have much of an effect today with light still outside. We used the LED lights like last time but with the 2400k setting, however, even though it does create a menacing look, it's a little much, and this was on the lowest setting! I think the 5500k was better after all. 

We also used a light up mirror (couldn't find a compact one), if the director decides to use this, we can include a shot of the glove box and getting the mirror out to show that it's always in there (a few other shot suggestions is one of a gear stick to show that it's stationary). Personally, I don't think the light up mirror adds a lot to the shot (it may look better in the dark). A few other suggestions is going with the mirror on the sun block (no idea what you call this? The bit at the top of the car) or using a phone (we can always use an LED light to light the scene and make it look like the lights in the car). 

However, we do not want to overuse mirrors (this was an issue looking back at the edited version), so it's up to the director to scrap any shots. One shot that worked especially well is the opening shot with the slider, but could be longer. I was using my Canon for this test and was hard to focus (and my auto focus doesn't work), but for the actual shoot, it will be much longer, since I am using the P2. The director has a few concerns whether the P2 will fit in the car. I am certain it will, also if we use my Canon and mix it with P2 footage, there will be a huge difference in quality. 

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