Friday 10 February 2017

Initial Camera Research

After the intense meeting with the director at Production Design, we have 53 shots of just that location (baring in mind also filming some safety shots in case the camera movements planned do not work well). The director has also made a mood board so I can see what films she takes as inspiration and how I can recreate them in lighting (which will be in another post) and also their camera framing (which will be what this blog post is focused on).

Tracking Dolly

In the beginning shot with the parents and Sophie walking to the circus, the director wants a tracking dolly shot that curves at the beginning, with them facing camera, and the dolly moving backwards with them. This shot was the closest I could find that was similar to it:

Trombone Shot

The director wants a trombone shot (example: when we first see the clown to put the viewer on edge. This shot is achieved with the dolly tracking in, and also zooming out at the same speed. You also need to keep the same head room and keep the focus. It is a very difficult shot to pull off so a few tests will need to be done.


The director is after quite a few jib shots, one in the street set using a lamppost with a dead bird skellington as framing/dirty with the actors walking underneath it. And also again in the circus scene where Sophie runs away; the camera tracks her as it turns into a big swooping shot of the whole set. And also when the parents first enter the tent to show them as outsiders and that they are isolated (and also to show off the production design set!). This video has some similar shots:

Fig Rig/Camera 360 Shot

I came up with an idea to use the fig rig to turn the camera upside down (like a steering wheel) but keeping the camera operator static to give the illusion of spinning around, which we could use in the knife throwing scene. It will disorientate the viewer and looks great in my head. I can't find or know of any similar shots at all to this (potentially a new camera movement?) so a few test shots will be needed (and also to figure out how to cheat throwing knives).

Swooping Pan

This shot can be used to cheat throwing knives (this FilmRiot video shows quite a few shots of how to cheat throwing knives and what camera movement (and actor movement) so use): Cirque du Freak (our main inspiration) also uses this shot when throwing knives.

Excuse the quality, I had to record this via my DVD since YouTube doesn't have a clip of it.

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