Saturday 25 February 2017

Audition and Concerns

Today we had an audition with an actor, which the lecturer took over for the first 10 minutes or so, doing a bit of improv with the actor, and using handheld camera and sound. We were all a bit confused why to film auditions this way, probably to see the actor's face and expressions (and maybe make him a bit more uncomfortable and nervous). It was very full on and terrifying, I felt a bit sorry for him and had to apologise.

We then had a few production meetings for each production. The lecturer also talked to me saying that the audition earlier was badly organised. I have to disagree, I did all I could. I had to get someone else to book out the camera and equipment (I said on the group chat what I wanted) due to me being very busy. I also sent out a message wanting a sound op and camera op (no one replied). I booked out the studio half an hour in advance to set it up, but I couldn't as it was being used. I tried to set up during them using it, but I had to get the actor as he said he was early. So I was outside waiting for him (apparently I was absorbing the sun). I am usually a very organised person (I mean, look at this blog) and I booked in advance for everything. I was a bit shook after that, as I could not have done anything else. 

Watching the test footage form Tag back was also enlightening. The footage was very dark even though I booked out red heads for people to use. I was a bit confused. I think we are doing a reshoot with the jib, I will have to chase it up with the director when we wants it for.

We have also not cast yet *screams*. We have had a few auditions, which I am waiting for the director to chose who he wants to cast out of them. I will also have to put another urgent casting call up.

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